Missing Surveys & Charging Cards
7 months ago
– Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 12:08:00 PM
We're down to the final few processes before we can move to shipping. One thing that will impact receiving your product is whether or not you've filled out your survey. I have fourteen missing addresses that I'll need to ensure you get your copy of Champions of the Hundred Halls. The following people need to fill out a survey:
- KH
- Matthew W.
- Anita P.
- Kyle M.
- Tim O.
- Totl
- James P.
- New D.
- Zack E.
- Anthony C.
- Shayne W.
- Matt A.
- Sebastian M.
- Richard K.
Go to this link to fill out a survey or message me at [email protected] if you're having problems.
Lastly, we'll be charging credit cards next week and begin the process of sending shipping information to Hero Time for all non-US/CA/AU/NZ address. For the US/CA/AU/NZ addresses, the products will come to a warehouse in the US before getting shipping to the final destination. This is the most cost effective way for you to receive your product. Hopefully, the next update is to inform you that the games have been shipped from Hero Time.
All the best,
--Tom & Rachel
Locking Orders in 48 Hours!!
7 months ago
– Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 12:07:27 PM
Locking Orders in 48 Hours!!
We're working through the shipping information from Hero Time this week, so I thought it was time to lock down the orders. You can still update your shipping information at any time, but you can't change your order once BackerKit locks it down.
I'll also be locking down the pre-order page around the same time, so if you know anyone who wants to get an order in, now is the time. When we start selling the extra games on our Shopify store, it won't be for the low Kickstarter price. It'll at least be 20% higher, or more depending (and not counting shipping).
As for shipping prices, I haven't finalized them yet, but I know that the initial information is higher than what we received last year due to the increased cost of logistics. Right now, I'm waiting on the bulk delivery cost from China to the US warehouse to complete the shipping costs in BackerKit. Once that's in and the orders are locked, we'll move to charging cards which will likely happen next week.
--Tom & Rachel
We're in Production!! Rough Schedule and Next Steps...
7 months ago
– Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 11:22:49 AM
Production & Rough Schedule
Good news! We moved into production this week. We had another delay when the manufacturer realized the deck dividers didn't fit in the box. They weren't done at the time of the prototype so it wasn't until they verified final fit was the issue found. The good news is that Hero Time took care of the problem for no extra charge. The box is a few millimeters bigger than we originally planned, but that shouldn't affect anything.
The rough schedule looks something like this:
- Production complete (~30 days) - early August
- Shipping to US warehouse (~60 days) - early October
- Shipping to US/CA locations (~2 weeks) - mid-October
- Non-US/CA locations will be roughly the same as they'll be shipped directly from Hero Time in China to their final destination
Those were the conservative estimates, so hopefully we'll be slightly earlier than planned, but unless something unexpected happens with global shipping, we'll meet our original goal of October 2024.
Next Steps
Right now I'm waiting for the shipping quote from Hero Time and then I'll update the shipping costs in BackerKit and we'll move to charge credit cards. The rates should be roughly the same as what we listed on the campaign, but it will be slightly different for each location due to the intricacies of logistics and geopolitics.
I'm guessing we'll make the update to shipping in the next week. If you moved or anything else has changed, make sure you update your information in BackerKit. I will let everyone know the final "Lockdown" date for BackerKit at least 5 days before we do it.
That should be everything for now! We can't wait to get the game in your hands. It's been an exciting journey. :)
All the best,
Tom & Rachel
A Quick Update on Champions Progress
8 months ago
– Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 03:09:53 PM
I was hoping to give a more detailed update this week, but we're still waiting on a few things to arrive. As of right now, we're waiting for the re-shipped sample which will include the double-sided tokens, the dice, and the deck dividers. They should be arriving this week, though we are traveling a bit so it might not be until next week that we can approve them.
Once we know when production/shipping is scheduled, then we'll lock down the orders on BackerKit and charge for shipping (once we get current rates from Hero Time). I will give a few days warning before then so you can update addresses or add to your orders.
Also, if you haven't received any of your electronic rewards (eBooks, audiobooks, or lore packet), please let me know and we'll get that sent to you when we get back.
That's it for now, but if you have any questions, please let us know!
Tom & Rachel
Unboxing Champions!
10 months ago
– Thu, May 09, 2024 at 09:56:22 AM
Champions of the Hundred Halls - Unboxing Video
Hello! Yesterday we received the prototype version of the game. I was so excited to see it and hold it with my greedy hands. The manufacturer, Hero Time, did a great job with it. The next step is to go over the cards and all the other pieces and give feedback for production. Then they'll put the game into the production schedule, which should be soonish. As long as nothing changes, we should beat the original October arrival date by a few months. But I can't 100% commit to that yet until we've had discussions with the manufacturer.
If you'd like to watch the unboxing video, you can go to my YouTube channel or see it here.
A couple of points from the prototypes that you might be interested in:
- The deck dividers and the dice didn't make it in the prototype but they will be a part of the game.
- The box is longer than the original specs, so those of you who were interested in sleeving your cards, there should be room now.
- The tokens are one-sided in the video, but I've inquired about two-side tokens for easier game play (having to flip them over sucks if they're on the wrong side). I'll let you know which way at the next update.
Lore Packets, Books, Surveys, and Lock Down
Everyone should have received your eBooks, audiobooks, and paperbacks. This includes the Lore Packet. If you haven't please let me know so we can get those to you right away (but first check your spam to make sure the email didn't end up there).
We're still missing about 10% of the surveys. If you haven't filled yours out, please do so right away so that we can get your game shipped as soon as it's available. If you don't have the survey anymore let me know at [email protected] and I'll get you a new link.
With the game heading into production , and the surveys almost done, we'll be locking the orders soon. This means your cards will be charged. I'll send out another update before lock down, but if you need to change anything, or want any additional games or add-ons, that window is closing.
That's it for now! Let me know if you have any questions. If not, the next update should have the production and shipping schedule. I can't wait!
Tom & Rachel