
Champions of the Hundred Halls: A Coop Strategy Card Game

Created by Thomas K. Carpenter

Harness your magic. An asymmetrical cooperative game for 1-4 Players with Increasing Levels of Difficulty and Endless Replayability.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Stretch Rewards & Updated Images!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 09:05:23 AM

At 98% Funding!  Almost there!

Nothing more to say on this other than: Yay!!

New Stretch Rewards

Thank you everyone for your feedback about how the stretch rewards should be adjusted. It took a little longer than we'd originally hoped to announce these, but that was mostly to make sure we got all the possible feedback and we had to get an answer from our manufacturer about a request on how the tuck boxes would be fulfilled in hopes of reducing the cost.  Alas, we weren't able to get the reduced cost which would have allowed us to go even lower, but we did move it down to 50% of where it was before (it was previously at $50,000).  

Stretch Rewards

  • $10,000 - 100% FUNDED
  • $12,500 - Solo Mode (Tokens, Status Effects, Armory Rewards)
  • $15,000 - Lore Packet (Background Info, MAP of City of Sorcery, Short Story)
  • $20,000 - Multiplayer Campaign Mode
  • $25,000 - Tuck Boxes

If we manage to hit $25k then we'll announce more rewards past Tuck Boxes, but we absolutely think all these are in reach based on our current rate of funding and the number of campaign followers we have.  

But we'll also need your help in spreading the word to make sure we can provide as much value for your pledge as possible.  

Updated Card Images

First off, I want to say from the bottom of our hearts: Thank you!!!  I can't say enough how important the Kickstarter community has been for improving Champions of the Hundred Halls.  While we'd love to knock it out of the park on our first go-around, it's more important that we get it right in the end.  

We've taken all your feedback whether it was directly through Kickstarter, emails, or on other forums and incorporated it into the latest design.  As I mentioned last time, we're not 100% finished, there are still a few more steps, but we wanted to show off the latest pass.  In fact, we went back and updated the campaign sections that talk about the decks (Choose Your Character, Explore Your Realm, Meet the Villains) with the improved image files so you might want to stop by and check them out on the Kickstarter.  We even cropped the borders back to the bleed lines to simulate what the cards would look like in physical form.  I'm not going show all the deck previews in this update, but I'm adding Caer Corsydd deck preview image so you can see what the newest versions look like:

The other thing you can see on the new deck previews is how some of the cards changed from the prototype versions in regards to game play.  If you want to see a few examples check out: Claire's Player Card (copy artifact is a free action), Pi's Player Card (Activated ability gets a Soul Fragment from the deck), or Mori's Player Card (card draw scales with number of Venota stones).  These were small changes but they helped with the consistency and fun of the decks.  

Thank you for backing our campaign!

Tom & Rachel

Other Kickstarters to Check Out

A Cursed Son Special Edition Romantasy Hardcover

Stolen Spells Exclusive FLIP Edition Hardback - VOLUME 2

Awakened 10-Year Anniversary Limited Special Editions

Initial Poll Results & Card Image Updates
6 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 07:57:09 AM

83% to Goal! 

First off, thank you all for backing the campaign!  We should be funding some time this week, and with over 50% of the campaign left we can start looking ahead to the Stretch Rewards.  Speaking of...

Stretch Reward Poll (Initial Results)

We're still receiving responses for the Stretch Reward poll, but I wanted to show you an initial look at the results in case you had a strong opinion otherwise.  Right now the top results look like this:

  1. Campaign mode for multi-player games (tied)
  2. Solo mode, status effects, and Armory rewards (tied)
  3. Lore packet (Background information, City of Sorcery map, Short Stories)

After that, there's a bunch with similar votes (Tuck boxes, Additional Tokens, Custom Dice). We'll give it a few more days and then wrap up the poll and let everyone know how the adjusted stretch rewards will look.

Card Image Updates

I'm going to show you a few updated card images.  These are NOT final, but it's the direction we're moving based on the feedback we've received.  Mostly we're showing these to get more feedback about how they look and what we can do to improve.  

Also, before we actually move into production, our manufacturer will have their design people give some feedback and then even after that, we'll have at least one test copy printed before we give the okay for final production.  So there are still many steps ahead before we're finalized.

But until then, these are some of the things we've been working on:

  • Larger font size for readability
  • Adding colors for the beginning/end of turn triggers
  • Improving the hit point visualization
  • Consistent placement of text 
  • Improving the "Rewards" on the quest cards for better identification
  • Clarifying the activated abilities on player cards

** One caveat on the image - These are the production file images which include "Bleed" which is extra material that gets cut off when the cards are made.  So the border is much thicker than the actual cards (you can see the correct width in the game play videos).

Example #1 - Showing the trigger colors and the latest idea for the hit point designation.  Not 100% on the exact presentation for hit points, but I think the location is probably correct because there aren't many other options.  The first number is the base hit points and the second number after the slash is the "additional hit points per player". These will, of course, be explained with a visual on the rules sheet.  

Example #2 - Showing off the new quest reward designation.  The box helps the reward pop out so it's easier to tell what you're getting. 

We look forward to hearing your feedback.  Thank you for backing our campaign!

Tom & Rachel

Other Campaigns to Back

Soul Bound — Spicy Urban Fantasy Romance Special Hardback

Lone Wolf Series Reversible Dust Jacket Foil Hardcovers

Stretch Reward Adjustments & New Tiers!!
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 08:02:01 AM

Stretch Reward Adjustments

Happy Thursday!  Hopefully everyone is gearing up for a lovely weekend.  We're still progressing towards the campaign goal.  While it's been slower than we expected, we also knew that it might be that way since we had some of our planned promotions go astray when a prototype game got lost in the mail throwing a wrench in our schedule (if you really want an interesting read, look up the Reddit thread about the USPS distribution center in Palmetto, GA).


That doesn't mean we're not still looking at ways for you to get the maximum out of your campaign pledge.  We've decided to adjust the stretch rewards and we want to know what you're most looking forward to from the list.  Please take a look at these potential stretch rewards and let us know what you'd really like to see.  You can either respond through Kickstarter or send me an email at [email protected].

Stretch Reward List Potentials

Lore Packet (Background Info, City of Sorcery Map, a Hundred Halls story)

Foil stamp on box

Deck Tuck Boxes with deck art on the outside

Hundred Halls Short Story Volume One

Hundred Halls Short Story Volume Two

Additional tokens and status markers

Achievement list for game play tracking

Custom dice with Hundred Halls branding

Solo mode tokens, status effects, and Armory rewards

Campaign mode for multi-player games

Please let us know what you're most interested in seeing as a stretch reward, or if there's something else that would tickle your fancy!  Once we have an idea of what everyone's interested in, we'll announce the changes next week.  And please keep spreading the word so we can make sure to maximize your pledges with additional content and game play!

New Tiers

Requested by some of our backers who come from the publishing side, we've added a couple of eBook only tiers to the rewards.  They're still available as add-ons, but now they're their own tiers as well.  

We look forward to hearing from you.  Thanks again for backing our campaign,

Tom and Rachel

Other Campaigns To Back

Once Upon Thyme: Quirky Fairytale Special Edition Hardcover

Eyebomb, Therefore I Am: a photo book of funny street art

The Vampire War: Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

Flash Reward #1 - Free Signed Book & Splendor!
7 months ago – Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 12:31:14 PM

Thank you everyone that has backed so far.  As I mentioned in the first update, we're moving steadily towards the funding goal which we believe we should hit in the next week.  To give the campaign a little boost, we're offering a flash reward!

The flash reward works like this: if we can hit $7,500 by 2/21 (Wednesday) night at 10pm MST, then we'll do a raffle for a signed paperback copy of one of my books (your choice) and a copy of one of my favorite board games, Splendor.  We'll do the raffle at the end of the campaign and everyone who has backed at a $40 tier level and higher will be included.  Anywhere in the world listed on the shipping chart is eligible.  

Check out these publishing campaigns currently on Kickstarter!

The Unbroken Tales: YA Fantasy | Exclusive Limited Editions

The Grifter's Razor: Limited Edition Hardback

Edge of the Barrier Audiobook + Limited Edition

Incredible Start!! 50% to our Goal!!
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 11:45:57 AM

Thank you everyone who has backed Champions of the Hundred Halls card game!  We're so excited about this project and honestly, I mostly can't wait for everyone to get a copy in their hands.  

But that's going to be a little while.  First we have to get through the campaign!  

I wanted to give a little update on the actual production status.  The game is 100% complete for play, but we're working on some visual text aspects to help the information flow easier to the players.   So we're working on: cleaning up the variance in text size and locations, adding some visual indicators to help keep track of play easier, and other small little things that will make the cards look better.  Probably by next week, we'll start working with the manufacturing company on formatting the files for production and working on the other small details that we'll have to get in order.  We're working to stay ahead of schedule so we can meet the October delivery dates.  

Also, we received a Project We Love from Kickstarter!

Please share the campaign if you can so we can hit the stretch goals and provide more benefits to everyone who pledged.  

If you're looking for some publishing campaigns to back, here are some currently on Kickstarter.

The Hunters' Academy Complete Series: Hardcover Editions

Steamborn: Limited Edition Signed Leather Hardcover Omnibus

From Stardust: A Pirate Themed Romantasy Novel